
Swarming is the way that a honey bee colony reproduces. This usually happens in early spring time when a colony is rapidly growing.

Before the honey bees swarm they feed on honey before departing on their journey to a site for the newly formed colony. When they are ready to go the bees leave the hive and can appear as a cloud in the air. They tend to be sighted when they are resting as a cluster protecting the queen. Sometimes this cloud is spotted in the air or you may hear the rumbling hum overhead.

The resting place for a swarm is usually located within a 100 yards of the parent colony. Although swarming honey bees have little interest in stinging people you should stay away and call a beekeeper immediately. They have sent out scout bees to find a safe place to set up their new colony, you want a beekeeper to come and relocate them before they move into your home.

Swarms can be harmed by high winds and heavy rainfall, so please do find a beekeeper as soon as possible if you see a swarm.

Here's a list of recommendations to help people deal with a swarm of bees on their property:

1. **Stay Calm**: Remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Bees are less likely to sting if they don’t feel threatened.

2. **Keep Distance**: Encourage others to keep their distance from the swarm. Don’t try to swat at or disturb the bees. 

3. **Notify Others**: If the swarm is in a public area, notify neighbors or authorities to ensure everyone’s safety. 

4. **Identify**: Determine if the swarm is honeybees or another species. Honeybee swarms are generally docile and temporary. 

5. **Don’t Spray**: Avoid using insecticides or spraying the swarm. This can agitate the bees and harm the environment. 

6. **Protect Pets and Children**: Keep pets and children indoors or away from the swarm until it’s safely removed. 

7. **Wait It Out**: In many cases, swarms will move on within a few hours to a few days. If possible, wait for the swarm to leave naturally. 

8. **Prevent Future Swarms**: Take measures to prevent future swarms, such as sealing potential nesting sites and erecting swarm traps. 

9. **Contact a Beekeeper**: If the swarm is honeybees, contact a local beekeeper or beekeeping association. They may be able to safely relocate the swarm 

Remember, safety is paramount when dealing with bees. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable handling the situation, seek assistance from South Kildare Beekeepers Association.





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