There is usual buzz around Athy every month  when the South Kildare Beekeepers Association (SKBA) hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday evening .

On 3rd April we’ve had discussion on the two major issues facing Irish beekeepers, Irish society, and the Irish economy.

These are the ongoing threat to our native Irish honeybee, and the potential arrival of the Asian Hornet on our island.

Theguest speakers were Colette O’Connell and Marty Bates from Co. Waterford Beekeepers Association, and they spoke about the Asian hornet.

Colette is a director of the Irish Beekeepers Association, and is very conscious of the threat from this predator should it reach Ireland – which is a threat to our people and our ecology.

Loretta Neary, Chairperson of the Native Irish Honeybee Society, and a member of SKBA, spoke briefly at the meeting about the threats to the native Irish honeybee.

Our club aims to further engage with our local politicians, political parties, and relevant organizations on this ongoing threat.